Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wimpy parents and their special children

Yesterday I was doing my usual routine of getting to Barnes N' Noble after dropping my wife off at work. I went on to the Internet and checked the NY Post and NY Daily News because of their superior journalism and I came across an article that disturbed me. A nine year old little league baseball player named Jericho Scott was banned from his team and the league by simply being too good for the other players. Jericho Scott can throw a 40 mph fastball at the age of 9. Apparently he strikes out most of the hitters he's faced and no one has gotten a hit off of him. He is a Yankees fan ironically so greatness is already a part of his stigma. Before a game the opposing team of Scott's learned that he would be pitching that day and so in protest the team picked up their bags and fore fitted the game. What a bunch of little wining losers. Can you imagine how this kid feels. You would think that a kid would feel bad if he cant pitch well and he blows all the games for his team but now there is a backlash against kids that are talented in what they do. If anything this is disgraceful and it shows how we have stooped to such a level that I cant even fathom. This type of garbage is not surprising when I think about it though. My wife and I along with many friends of ours have noticed that the current parents of children of the ages 6-13 have created a new generation of children that are wimpy, stupid to say the least, and have no sense of direction what so ever. Why you may ask. The reason is that these parents are unbelievably afraid of their children and never give them discipline. These children have a very high self esteem because their parents tell them day in and day out how special and wonderful they are when in reality have bad manners, no discipline, poor nutrition(have you seen some of these kids today? Good GOD), and to put it plain and simple... are morons. I haven't met a smart kid in a long time. They watch MTV all day and text their friends misspelled words. A lot of my experience with the parents of these children came through my little brother. My parents don't belong to these parents generation because they were a part of the baby boomers and had kids late. Besides the fact, my family has had some interesting experiences with these parents and they were for the most part laughable and quite disturbing at times. I'll never forget an experience I had last Spring when my brother got into a shoving match with a neighbor of ours. The kid was his age and I don't know the exact details of how it all got started but apparently this kid pushed my brother and then my brother proceeded to push back and he fell to the ground. The parent of this child saw the latter part of this scuffle and came down to my parents house. I opened the door and she told me brother "physically assaulted my son." Physically assaulted my son??? Ok lets get something straight here. Pushing is not physical assault. Punching someone in the face and breaking their nose is physical assault. Pistol whipping is assault. Using an object to hurt someone is physical assault, not pushing someone!!!!!! First of all I am glad my brother pushed the kid back(yes I am encouraging him to push someone back if he gets pushed by someone else and yes I will tell my kids to do the same thing for all you new parents who have "special" little children).

When I was a kid and my team faced a pitcher that was bringing the heat and ringing everyone up there was no way out of it. We would face him and if he struck out we struck out. I remember one game where my team was facing the best team in the league. We were getting no-hit and losing badly. No one was stepping up. Should we have for fitted because the other team was better? No! I came up to bat a couple times and hit some lazy outs. Towards the end of the game my former best friend Chris was pitching and closing the door on their no-hit bid. I came up to bat and I turned on an inside pitch and got a stand up double. If my parents had the attitude of those parents then I would of never had that opportunity. We lost but we tried and thats the point of trying your best. If you fail but are told how much of a winner then there's no need for improvement. Thats the attitude of these parents. Your always a winner and your special even if you strike out every time, your a winner. Give me a freaking break.

I remember listening to a comedy bit by George Carlin talking about these parents and their kids. Him and I agree on everything when it comes to this topic. He was talking about how in sports now everyone is a winner and there are no losers. When a kid comes in last place he is the last winner. Everyone is here to have fun and winning means nothing. These parents are pathetic and their turning their children into mindless wimps. Seriously, what are these kids who have been told all their lives how unbelievably special they are when they go out into the real world going to do. They wont be able to comprehend that their boss thinks anyone is disposable and not special. In conclusion I come back to this poor kid Jericho Scott. I'll tell you exactly what the parents were thinking when they saw this kid pitch and didn't let their kids play. They were thinking, "I cant let my special little boy go up to bat against this kid because he might strike out and that will make him cry. My little special boy is the center of this world. No one is allowed to strike out my child. He must never know that someone is better than him. I know, I wont let him play so he will never know that someone is better than him at something. Then after that I'll take him to McDonald's and give the angel boy a happy meal(super size) and after he's done eating I'll bake him a cake that says "future home run king" and then I'll get him to read a Kindergarten level reading book(despite the fact he is in the 4th grade) and tell him how much of a genius he is. After he goes to bed, I'll call my lawyer and sue the league for subjecting my son to psychological drama and collect damages. Oh I am so blessed to have a special boy. No one is good enough for him and I cant wait to see him accept the nomination for President of the United States. I better start writing a speech of my own. Wait a minute, I just heard my special boy make a noise. What if he is having a bad dream about that devilish pitcher. I must wake him up!!!" Jericho Scott if you ever get to read this. One piece of advice. If you ever get to face these kids in a ball game, drill one for me. Until next time, I love Chandra and God bless.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lots to talk about

Well its been a while since I last posted a blog. Let's see here what has happened to me since my last post.....oh I got married (love you Chan), moved back to Los Angeles in a nice apartment and now I'm still looking for a job. Hopefully that will change soon. A lot has happened and I will be happy to tell you about it the next time I post a blog. I have great things to talk about such as marriage, money, living, gas and the usual things that tick me off. I'm sure everyone can't wait to read about these experiences and what I think about them. So stay tuned. Don't vote for Obama, go Yankees, I love Chandra and God bless.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

The weenie

This is buttercup. She is a happy weenie
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

From time to time I will be posting blogs about things that I am doing or how I feel about things in my life or whats happening in the world. Its good to sometimes just let it all out. I'm just one of many blogger's out there who's got a lot to say but I'm not sure who cares about what I have to say. Apparently the American people care more about what celebrities have to say about politics than actual average hard working Americans. I'm not sure if we are the only country that does this but if we are then God help us. Since when do celebrities, Conservative or Liberal have this unbelievable educated opinion that we must know what they think of the situation in Iraq or our recent economic woes. Yes I have caught my self being relieved that when I watch any of the Die Hard Movies with Bruce Willis I know he is a Republican and most of all he cares about our armed forces. At the same time there are plenty of people who care deeply for the military and spend time doing things for the troops that aren't recognized for their charity by simply not being a celebrity. In all honesty I am going to call this obsession what it is and that is "sick." Seriously who cares what Brad Pitt, Madonna, Bruce Willis, Tom Selleck, Hulk Hogan, or Robert Denero think who should be the next president of the United States. The people that I named are richer than most of us will ever dream of and no matter how bad things get in America whether its through the economy, gas prices, sale of homes, etc. those people will NEVER be effected by it. Do you think when the gas prices went up to $4.00/gallon Harrison Ford told his wife, "Honey the gas prices just went up to 4 bucks a gallon. We better start cutting coupons for the grocery store and save money." This scenario wont happen because celebrities don't have normal lives. My advice to every average American, stop caring about what celebrities think. Getting a celebrity endorsement wont make this country any better.
This same principal can go for politicians. I'm not sure if many of you out there realize this but the people that we elect to represent our views, morals, and values don't exactly represent who we are as hard working Americans. Now how can I make such an accusation you may ask. Simple. Every single person that is in an office of some sort whether its a small congressman, a senator, etc. is rich. That's right. Every single one. Its also very simple to prove this and that is in order to win elections you have to have a lot of money. If you don't have money you will not win no matter how many times you try. Its impossible. I had a friend who once ran for congress and he got beat despite knowing he wouldn't win. His opponent outspent him because he had money and my friend didn't. Its the way it works and the way things are going it will continue for years to come as long as Americans continue to play dumb and elect people who are rich and haven't had to work a day in their lives. Americans seem to think that the only people that can run our country are rich people who have been at the top of their class at ivy league schools, mostly Harvard and are lawyers. Last time I checked not too many Americans go to Harvard or Yale. Many Americans either go to regular colleges or graduate high school and start their career. If you break it down even more, how did all these politicians go to Harvard or Yale? I'll give you three guesses but I don't think you'll need all three but then again most politicians would think you need all three guesses because they think Americans are stupid. The answer is........MONEY. The politicians get richer and keep having children that will continue their families wonderful legacy. Hence the Kennedy's. If anything take a look at the candidates that are running for President. Research their life style and you will see that all of them aren't exactly driving an extra mile to save 5 cents on gas. Another question you may ask is, "So what if they are rich. Everyone is allowed to live life in the full pursuit of happiness." I would say yes, absolutely, but not everyone is allowed to run for president because not everyone can afford to go to Harvard and not everyone has 20 million in their checking account, Hillary. If America continues to elect people who haven't got a clue what its like to pay a mortgage, cut out coupons, drive our kids to school, have a credit card debt, or simply have a hard time paying the daily costs of living then to re-quote a very famous American idiot, "How do we bring change we can believe in?" I can go on and on but my advice to Americans in this election is elect someone who represents who you are. The closest thing that we have to an average American amongst the nominees is believe it or not, John McCain. He has served in the military, went to Vietnam and was a hero. He wasn't a fortunate one or as John Fogerty would say, "I ain't no senators son." He knows exactly what our brave soldiers are going up against because he has been there. He worked his way to becoming a famous politician, not by the contents of Daddy's wallet Mitt Romney. Do I agree with John McCain on everything. No not at all. I'm very cautious of his position on illegal immigration and am aware he can be difficult with conservatives but I feel safe with him in charge and I feel he can relate to the problems that are happening in America. If his position on campaign finance reform is going to make you vote for Obama or stay home, do your self a favor and change party affiliations. The Republican party will be fine without you. I haven't met someone who can even tell me what that is anyway. Thats all for now. My next post will raise a question more than a whole entry. I love Chandra and God bless.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Graduation and the real world

I graduated college finally after all these years. I am relieved of writing pointless research papers and non-sense exams, but the real tests begin with a job in the real world. I am excited to begin a career because of money (of course) and I love music and this is what I want to do. A lot of time is wasted in school learning about the field you want to go into and your left waiting until they call your name to receive your diploma. The degree is my ticket along with school debts. Graduating was a great experience and I couldn't have done it without God, Chandra or my family. When it is all said and done if you want to do something you have to work hard and keep trying until you finally reach what your working for. It wont matter what bumps in the road will occur because if you want it bad enough you will eventually get it. Now I must submit tons and tons of resumes to employers and hopefully get my foot in the door. I am looking forward to the experience and the more experience I have then the more I can move up in the business. I pray that when I run into the sharks of the music business that I will stand firm and not let them discourage me. I ask anyone who reads this blog to pray that I find a job very soon that will meet the financial needs of mine and Chandra's future as well as the future of our family. I want to put out great music and make good money to go along with it. I'm not greedy. I just know that money must not be loved or hated. It must be respected. A little side note. Congrats to Zack for getting into the police academy. I know you will do well and I cant wait to speed at my own will on the L.A. freeways(not that I can). I'm just kidding. Until next time, I love Chandra and God bless.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pop/Rock/Country Ensemble & Senior Seminar

First off, I love Chandra. I'm performing for my ensemble tonight. Were doing country. Hopefully we don't sound like a rock band because none of us are well versed in country. I will have a couple solos so that will be fun and scary at the same time. I haven't performed in front of an audience since Dec. 2006 and that was in front of a thousand plus. Ill be fine. I've gotten 3000 words in on my senior seminar project. It is very interesting how each cell phone company does their music downloading service. The future is what interests me because in a couple years our phones will be a universal device meaning it will do everything. We have phones that are pretty much like that already but there is some things we haven't seen yet. The Blackberry and iphone are the closest to it especially the iphone. One day everyone will be able to download a song from your phone and it will be syncd to your house, car, stereo, you name it. The question for me is how will a music business major like myself figure out a way to make this happen for the average person. Technology is growing faster than we can keep up with. I predict in 10 years everyone will able to do what I talked about previously. Anyway I will update everyone on my progress sooner or later. I love Chandra and wish me luck. Later.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Senior Seminar Paper and everything else

Well first off I would like to say I love Chandra :). I'm working on my paper for senior seminar. Its about the mobile phone music industry. I'm gonna post a new poll that has to do with this so please let me know what you think. I've got 3 weeks left of school and one last paper to write for my college career. May 17 come soon!!!! Ill update my progress because I know everyone is so curious. Later
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Monday, April 28, 2008

My real first blog

This is my first blog. Yay!!! I'm with the cool people now. Later
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